Cryotherapy Redwood City, CA

Cryotherapy is a pain treatment that uses the method of localized freezing temperatures to kill irritated nerves. Cryotherapy is used to also treat some cancer areas as well as abnormal skin cells by dermatologists.

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Cryotherapy works by climbing into a specialized chamber that harnesses the power of liquid nitrogen and refrigerated cold air. It will rapidly cool off your entire body and will stimulate your sympathetic nervous system through your skin’s cold receptors.

There are many benefits of Cryotherapy. Some of these include helping cell survival, increasing blood circulation, decreasing fatigue, boosting your body’s immune response, reducing stress, fighting away insomnia and depression, and helping to balance your nervous, vascular, and lymphatic system.

Our entire staff is dedicated to helping you achieve the results you are looking for. We understand how beneficial cryotherapy can be for your body. We are happy to explain how the treatment works and what you can expect at any time.

We encourage you to arrange a private consultation and will be happy to sit down with you to ensure that Cryotherapy is right for you. Contact us today to request your appointment.