The objective of Spinal Decompression Therapy focuses on relieving chronic pain in the back and legs that is caused by many conditions including herniated discs and degenerative discs. At Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center, we work diligently to help free your spine of compression, which is the way it was before your pain began, and to get you as close to normal as physically possible. It is important to understand that Spinal Decompression Therapy is NOT Traction Therapy.
What’s the difference between Spinal Decompression Therapy and Traction Therapy?
The biggest difference between the two is the “Vacuum Effect” that occurs from Spinal Decompression Therapy, which does not happen with Traction Therapy. In fact, traction therapy tugs on the body in a way that causes the muscles to respond and contract. This response will increase the amount of pressure to the vertebral disc that is affected and, ultimately, create more pain. The Vacuum Effect is so important because it is the negative pressure created through Spinal Decompression that allows nutrients and oxygen to repopulate the disc area and begin the healing process.
Through gradual degrees of calculated increases of distractive force and calculated angles to the specific vertebral disc, Spinal Decompression Therapy slowly creates space between the discs to pull in the necessary nutrients and oxygen. Basically, the decompression device will slowly pull the vertebral discs apart to create the vacuum effect and allow the disc to rehydrate with the aforementioned fluids, which leads to pain relief and healing.
At Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center in Redwood City, we have changed the lives of many patients with Spinal Decompression Therapy. Many of patients find relief from the unbearable, chronic back pain that suffer from daily. Prior to coming to our office, many of our patients believed that spinal surgery was the only answer, and with our help, they found a solution; they found pain relief. To get started, call now to schedule your initial examination consultation. Leave your back pain behind.
Stop Living With Debilitating Back & Neck Pain
Let us help you enjoy a better quality of life.
Don’t wait any longer! Schedule your consultation now and see if you are a good candidate for this break-through therapy!
Spinal Decompression for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) refers to a condition that patients suffer following spinal surgery for back or leg pain. This condition arises, just as the name suggests, when surgery fails and the patient still suffers from the original pain. This condition does not imply that problems typically arise during surgery or that surgery does not work to correct the problem. Rather, this condition is only referring to the continued pain that patients experience after surgery and the pain that was supposed to be alleviated from the surgical procedure. The chances of continued pain after surgery rise significantly when multiple surgeries are performed on the same area of the back. According to Marc Russo who is the Executive Officer at the International Neuromodulation Society, reports have suggested that FBSS has a 20-40% chance of occurring, and “the likelihood is considered greater with repeated surgery” (, 2012).
At Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center , we understand the effects that Failed Back Surgery Syndrome can have on the body, and we may be able to help you find relief from your pain with DRX9000 Spinal Decompression.
Failed Back Surgery Syndrome occurs after the wound from surgery has healed, and, although the pain has been reduced, it is still present and continues to worsen in the weeks after surgery. Essentially, the pain doesn’t go away. The buildup of scar tissue around the spinal nerve roots and muscle spasms may be the biggest cause of the pain. FBSS does not have to continue to hold you back from enjoying your life. At Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center in Redwood City, we have a solution. Our Spinal Decompression treatment is designed to help patients recover from pain caused as a result of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome.
Spinal Decompression for Facet Syndrome
Facet Syndrome occurs as a result of aging, injuries, or constant pressure on the facet joints. Most of the damage that impacts the facet joints is from typical wear-and-tear on the body, but damage can also arise from an injury to the back or neck or degenerative disc disease. The process of facet syndrome starts when the cartilage covering the facet joints begins to deteriorate, causing the joints to swell and stiffen. This causes the vertebrae bones to make contact with each other without any cushion between then. This occurrence may result in bone spurs on the edges of the facet joints, and it may begin to affect other areas near the spine such as the cervical area (neck, shoulders, and head) and the lumbar area (hips, buttocks, and back of the thighs). In extreme cases, doctors may recommend surgeries such as a Facet Rhizotomy or Facet bone fusion that can both lead to months, maybe even years, of therapy and treatment before the patient begins to feel normal again. However, at East Bay Spinal Decompression And Chiropractic we specialize in non-surgical spinal decompression to provide pain relief from face syndrome.
If you are suffering from pain caused by Facet Syndrome, there are steps that you can take to find pain relief, depending on the severity of your condition. Our doctors are here to help you find a solution to your pain through spinal decompression with the DRX9000 table. At Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center, we know exactly what you need to do to secure your recovery.
Spinal decompression has been effective for many of our patients who are suffering from facet syndrome. With our DRX9000 table, the vertebrae are slowly stretched apart to reduce the pressure on the facet joints. This process helps relieve pain in the affected areas, while creating negative pressure that helps restore the cartilage surrounding the facet joints. The specialized algorithmic software is designed to provide comfort during spinal decompression without the abrupt tugs that cause muscle spasms and pain like some traction therapies. The reason we use Triton DTS at East Bay Spinal Decompression And Chiropractic is to help the patient find natural ways of healing back pain without having to take a list of prescription drugs or endure spinal implant surgery.
At East Bay Spinal Decompression And Chiropractic in San Ramon, we understand the pain you are experiencing from facet syndrome. Our Spinal Decompression Therapy can help stretch your spine in the affected area to promote self-healing. Essentially, we work diligently to restore muscle strength and extremity functionality and find pain relief in the areas experiencing symptoms.
Why is the spine so prone to injury?
During normal activities, the pressure inside the disc typically ranges between +100mm/HG to +300mm/HG
Your spine must be both stable and flexible to support upright posture, allowing you to bend and twist. This is mechanically very challenging and makes your spine vulnerable to injury. The spine is made up of a chain of bones, called vertebrae, connected together by ligaments and muscles. A disc separates each vertebrae and acts like a cushion, absorbing shock along the spine. The disc is made up of a jelly-like substance known as the nucleus, covered with many strong outer layers called the annulus. The discs do not have a supply of blood vessels to nourish and replenish them, rather they depend on a transfer of fluids, nutrients, and oxygen from the vertebrae above and below. This transfer of nutrients depends on the difference in pressure between the inside of the discs and the surrounding vertebrae and blood vessels. This is why most disc nutrition and regeneration takes place when we lie down and the pressure inside the discs is reduced. This process is not very efficient, and as we age, the disc is exposed to wear and tear greater than its ability to heal and regenerate.
The discs are prone to injury and degeneration as we use our backs each day, as they are compressed and torqued through sitting, bending and lifting. In the two lower levels of the lumbar spine, stress forces can equal 2,000 to 3,000 pounds of pressure per square inch. Repeated injury weakens and eventually tears the annulus. With increased pressure inside the discs, these tears allow the disc to bulge like an old tire with a broken casing. If all of the layers of the annulus break, the jelly-like nucleus will ooze out of the disc, causing a disc herniation. A bulging or herniated disc may press on spinal nerves, causing sciatica or radiculopathy.
Spinal Disc Decompression – What Is It Designed To Do?
Damaged intervertebral discs seldom heal as the discs are constantly under pressure. Decompression, or the reduction of pressure inside the discs, facilitates the transfer of fluids, nutrients and oxygen back inside the disc resulting in the retraction of bulging or herniated discs.
The DRX9000 Spinal Disc Decompression Table
All procedures are administered with the patient fully clothed. For lumbar procedures, the patient is comfortably positioned on the table, and the Pelvic Restraints are adjusted to comfortably secure the patient’s pelvis. The upper torso is captured by a comfortable securing system incorporated into the fixed section of the table. The angel of pull will be electronically adjusted which is dependent on the disc level being targeted, so that specific spinal segments can be targeted. With precise and pain-free computer-controlled tension, the specific disc segment is gently distracted.
For cervical procedures, the cervical unit is first electronically tilted to the angle required to target specific segments of the cervical spine. The patient is then placed on the table with their head positioned in the cervical cradle unit. The Cervical Restraints (patent pending) are designed to comfortably capture the base of the patient’s skull for controlled distraction. A typical daily session consists of 30 minutes of decompression A Non-Surgical, Drug-Free procedure that is Safe and Pain-Free! During normal activities, the pressure inside the discs typically ranges between+100mm /HG to + 300mm/HG on the DRX9000 Table followed by Class 4 Laser and 15 minutes of ice therapy. The process is pain-free and safe, and it is not uncommon for patients to fall asleep during the procedure.
The average recommended course of procedure is 20 sessions. Ideally, the sessions are performed daily with rest on the weekend.
At the conclusion of the procedure series, patients are given mobilization and strengthening exercises to avoid further injury.
Is DRX9000 Spinal Disc Decompression for me?
Spinal Disc Decompression with the DRX9000 Table has shown to be safe and without side effects or complications once abnormal conditions have been ruled out. Patients with conditions that compromise the integrity of the spinal column, such as gross osteoporosis, spondylolisthesis grade 2 and above, fractures, tumors, or congenital pars defects are not candidates for Spinal Disc Decompression.
Previous spinal surgery is not contraindicated unless hardware (screws, rods, cages, pins, etc.) has been implanted in the spine.
Spinal Disc Decompression is safe, pain-free, and comfortable. Contact our office today for an appointment (650) 599-9868!
Spinal Decompression Care in Redwood City, CA
Spinal Decompression can offer a healing relief from back pain. You may want to know whether spinal decompression is the right treatment for you. If your back pain is due to sciatica, herniated disc, bulging disc, slipped disc, pinched nerve, arthritis, lumbar disorders, or chronic back pain; the answer is yes. You are probably an ideal candidate for spinal decompression. If you are suffering from pains due to causes discussed above and prefer to find a non-surgical solution to relief and heal your back pain, spinal decompression is the best solution. Spinal decompression has healed and changed lives of many patients who had given up finding a no risk and effective treatment.
What is the theory behind decompression? How does it work?
An experimental study has shown that in non-degenerated, but bulging discs (something your MRI or CT scan would show), decompression can lower the pressure inside the disc. This negative pressure may then draw or suck the displaced disc material more towards the center of the disc and away from your nerves. For many patients this can mean pain relief because a compressed nerve is a painful nerve. If the pressure on the nerve is released, it can begin to heal. Spinal Decompression is designed to assist the body’s natural tendency to heal itself because Mother Nature sometimes needs a little help. If the disc can be moved even a small amount away from the nerve, this can be enough to decrease inflammation and irritation. We need more studies to fully understand why patients can improve when they receive this type of treatment and which types of disc problems respond the most.
MRI of a L5 Disc Herniation Before and After Spinal Decompression on the DRX 9000